On 23-01-12 16:13, Dotan Cohen wrote:
Thanks. There are a lot of very specific software on that server that precludes it from being updated. I believe that 5.2 still is seeing security updates, no?
5.2 does not get security updates. My guess is your box has been compromised. Boot the box with a live CD/DVD and get an image of the harddisk(s) so you can analyze what happened to it.
In any case, a complete reinstall with either 5.2 or a latter version is pretty much out of the question for now, though I will try to see what needs to be done in that direction. In the meantime, where should I concentrate my efforts?
There is no other option than to reinstall the box with 5.7 (or whatever the latest is) and *always* update the box. I would also throw out that "specific software". Vendors who force you to stay with a version of an OS that no longer gets security updates should be avoided at all cost.
Regards, Patrick