On Mon, 9 Feb 2009 10:22:42 -0500 Jake jakepaulus@gmail.com wrote:
From what I could find, it looks like this software hasn't really had
any community drive behind it in a while. The latest RPMs on rpmforge are for red hat 6 and red hat 7. I very much dislike the idea of compiling my own because of all the overhead associated with making sure the system stays up-to-date and so on so this really puts me off already. Does anyone have an opinion on this
1. DJBDNS does not need to be maintained: IT'S PERFECT. Bugless, no security hole... and does NOT support IPv6. 2. It's great, works like a rock. 3. Everything you need to know, including winning the loto, is at: http://www.lifewithdjbdns.com/ with all the explanations and the installation is toward the end of the page.