Hi, again, folks,
I'm trying to convert a number of iptables rules to firewalld rich rules. I need to do this, because this is, in fact, a firewall, to protect access to servers with sensitive data. It will limit access to the servers behind it to a specific network, and nobody else, and allow only certain services through.
What I've been trying to find is a script/program that converts the output of iptables-save to something I can feed to firewall-cmd. Anyone have a link to such?
I admit this is annoying. Why is it, when some New Kewl thing is introduced, it *always* expects you to start anew, rather than giving you a tool to convert what you had. I ran into this 15 years ago, trying to put an existing website into bricolage (early CMS), and here I am, trying to do this.
Anyway, any links would be appreciated.
Did you look at Shorewall? IMHO that's what is best used in such situations and it works since many years now.
Regards, Simon