On Thu, Dec 03, 2015 at 12:26:08PM +0100, Leon Fauster wrote:
CentOS 7.1511 (aka '7.2') not yet released ...
And the way I'd figure this out from the centos website is?
Note that I was asking about the release numbering, not the release itself. And while you're suggesting where I could find out more or take part in the discussion, Leon, keep in mind that I've been using CentOS since it was first released, I am on the -dev mailing list, and I was a part of the discussion of this new numbering scheme when it was first mooted - my recommendation was that if you did it at all, you should use names like 7.2.1511. And I recall that the decision was to use release names like 7.2.1511.
If we can get the version numbering scheme right here:
[lindahl@rd ~]$ more /etc/centos-release CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core)
{note the .1. in the name}
Why can't we get it right on the website, and the mailing list? Why should I have to look at the bottom of a webpage to figure out the mapping, when we could all say 7.2.1511? What is bad about being clear?
-- greg