On 2013-09-20, John R Pierce pierce@hogranch.com wrote:
for large xfs file systems, be sure to mount with option inode64.
There are a bunch of FAQ entries at the XFS site about this issue. Here's one of them:
The other issues about using inode64 and NFS are also nearby on the same page.
So following up on that, I have a question: I have a largish XFS filesystem which is currently not mounted inode64. I would like to know how close I am to filling up the inodes in the first 1TB, so that I know how urgent it is for me to migrate to inode64. Does anybody know a way to query this information out of the filesystem?
and, a large XFS file system requires quite a bit of RAM to do the xfs_check/repair (equiv to fsck)
I have read on the mailing lists that the XFS folks recommend using xfs_repair -n over xfs_check. xfs_repair still needs a lot of RAM, but apparently xfs_check needs much more.