Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste wrote:
Dear All,
We recently reinstalled our computing cluster. We were using CentOS 5.3 (32 bits). It is now CentOS 6.3 (64 bits), installed from the CentOS 6.2 x64 CD, then upgraded to 6.3.
We have some issues with the memory needs of our running jobs. They require much more than before, it may be due to the switch from 32 to 64 bits, but to me this cannot explain the whole difference.
Why not? The numbers you post, unless I'm misreading them, are about twice what the 32-bit were. <nsip>
- Open a R session and check the memory used
Bash script: Avg Min Max 32 bits 5400 4192 9024 64 bits 12900 10000 16528
5400 * 2 = 10800 4192 * 2 = 8296 9024 * 2 = 18048
Python script: Avg Min Max 32 bits 8500 5004 11132 64 bits 32800 30000 36336
8500 * 2 = 17000 5004 * 2 = 10007 11132 * 2 = 22264
So that ranges from 2-2.5 larger.
R: Avg Min Max 32 bits 26900 21000 33452 64 bits 100200 93008 97496
Same here, about 2 - 2.5 times larger. More larger variables. <snip>
Then we ran the same things on our CentOS cluster, getting surprisingly high results. I installed a machine from scratch with the CentOS CD (6.2 x64) to be sure another component of the cluster was not playing a role. On this freshly installed machine I get the following results: SH: 103MB PYTHON: 114MB R: 200MB
So, compared to the highest of our users (among the 64 bits ones), we have a ratio of ~7, ~3, ~2, respectively.
It is very problematic for us because many jobs now cannot run properly, because they lack memory on most of our computing nodes. So we really cannot stand the situation...
Do you see any reason for this? Do you have suggestions?
First, what kind of compute cluster is this? Are you using something like torque, or what? Second, how much memory do you have in each of the nodes? And how many cores?