On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 10:35 AM, Nathan Duehr denverpilot@me.com wrote:
Thanks, James, that did the trick. So now I have set up two desktops, one a vanilla xterm and the other specifically for this purpose, runs my script in a gnome-terminal and it appears to be working properly, no funky pop-ups or anything. Thanks again for your help!
Glad you got it working Miranda. A silly side-question...
Would a regular ol' text console have done what was needed? CTRL-ALT-F1...
Did your users need the real-estate of an X based terminal in the recovery console?
-- Nate Duehr denverpilot@me.com
Nate, to be honest I'm not 100% sure, but I think it would not... the script needs to be functional whether the user is sshing in from a remote location or sitting at the workstation, and it needs to be automatic. As soon as they log in as that user, it runs the guest user creation script and verifies that they are permitted to create an account at this time. Also, the main server is completely blocked by the firewall, so the user "leapfrogs" over by sshing to the one computer with external ssh access which then ssh the user over to the main server where they can do the account set up. Currently the same script works whether they sit down at a console and log in as the creation user or if they remotely login, and it needs to stay like that, otherwise it gets too messy to maintain.
Not sure if I answered your question or not :)
Thanks! Miranda