On 03/25/2014 12:45 PM, Ned Slider wrote:
On 25/03/14 04:05, Les Mikesell wrote:
On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 6:38 PM, Johnny Hughes johnny@centos.org wrote:
Has anybody gotten this working?
By the way, this is CentOS 6.5.
If you are starting from scratch building a mail server you might want to look at SME server or ClearOS where webmail works out of the box.
It would be my personal preference that we help people run things on CentOS rather than always recommending another distribution.
SME isn't exactly an 'other' distribution, and ClearOS wouldn't be if CentOS6 had had a timely release. They are the same code underneath, just already configured to work as installed and with a few additions.
Whilst I understand why Johnny would prefer to be able to offer a CentOS-based solution rather than signposting users towards other products, I must admit I kind of agree with Les here.
My initial thought to Johnny's reply was why would CentOS want to reinvent this particular wheel, looking to solve a problem that has already been solved, just not by CentOS.
But if that's what a SIG wants to do, in the CentOS space, fine. Just be aware that a number of mature products already exist so you have a lot of catch up work to do just to get off the starting line.
What demand for such a product do you think exists from CentOS users? My guess is if people want or need that product they have long since been using the competition's offerings. So how long do you think it will take to get a CentOS offering to the point it can win back users from the competition? These are the types of questions I'd be thinking about if I were considering investing my time in such a SIG.
On top of what you said, I would add that majority of users are not real hard core admins, just people with an itch to scratch. So in that case out-of-the-box working system for regular Joe is what they need, a car that you can start and drive, not an assembly kit that need weeks of learning and putting together before driving it.
SME like ClearOS if what they need, and it is good way to start learning about CentOS, since all base packages are just that. I also started with ClarckConnect (ClearOS) in 2005, and I started to learn how things work once I had my web and mail server running on them.