Preston Crawford wrote:
So I need my phone to be separate from my PDA so it can fly out of my bike shorts and slam on the ground at 30 mph.
Wow! You sound _exactly_ like someone who hasn't seen the rugged Kyocera phones. And even the Treos are pretty sturdy (more so than Pocket PC PDAs/phones). Nothing like listening to some MP3s from a SD on a bike (yes, even this "Fat Guy" rides one ;-)!
So I'm not going to return my Pocket PC based on your recommendation.
Dude, I was just wondering how you evaluated. I'm sorry for even mentioning it, but you _did_ bring up the fact that you had to go Windows on a Linux list.
I thought I'd just mention the options you have for a Linux compatible device, that's all. Maybe someone _else_ might be intersted?
Can you stop with this?
Do you have a guilt complex or something?
_You_ didn't have to explain a thing about Windows or the fact that you have a Pocket PC, etc... just to ask about encoding. But you did. Sorry I mentioned what options you might have missed.
Maybe someone else will use the info next time. Okay?
I have an SD slot, my point is that I don't want to load up one gigantic MP3 file into the MP3 player application.
And this _entire_ question had what to do with needing a Pocket PC-based PDA? Again, _you_ introduced it. Now you're upset that I mentioned there were other options.
Sorry, didn't mean to offend. But on a Linux list, when someone starts mentioning options and what things don't do that are Linux compatible, I tend to offer several options that do. That's all. Don't have a guilt complex or something because that's _not_ what I'm trying to do!
Well, you should have just said RTFM and left it at that, probably.
And you didn't need to say that you had to go Pocket PC just to ask a question about encoding.
I'm _not_ complaining you did. But I _am_ pointing out this fact, and why some asshole like myself might bring up the Linux compatible options out there.
This is _exactly_ what I mean about hypocrisy. I did *NOT* complain about you going on about Pocket PC why you couldn't use a Linux compatible device. But you _are_ complaining about I am mentioning some Linux alternatives that you ... obviously ... didn't bother to investigate.
Sorry to have "guilted" you on a Linux list, not my intent.