Maybe I should just copy gChartPhp's files here:
# ls GChartPhp/PEAR/ gBarChart.php gMapChart.php gScatterChart.php gChart.php gMeterChart.php gStackedBarChart.php gConcentricPieChart.php gOverlappedBarChart.php gVennDiagram.php gFormula.php gPie3DChart.php utility.php gGroupedBarChart.php gPieChart.php gLineChart.php gQRCode.php
into /usr/share/pear/PEAR?
With perl I install additional modules (those which aren't available as rpm's yet) easily with "perl -MCpan -e shell"
But with PHP stuff I'm lost. I'm not sure if I can just copy files into /usr/share/pear without updating some housekeeping files...
Regards Alex