On 09/18/2014 05:36 AM, Hokuto Hoshi wrote:
We're using CentOS on various servers in Japan. Recently, I found that mirrorlist.centos.org returns servers in China. It makes "yum update" slow. This problem occurs on "update" repo.
Our tries and results are follows:
## "os" repository $ curl "http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=6.5&arch=x86_64&repo=os" http://www.ftp.ne.jp/Linux/packages/CentOS/6.5/os/x86_64/ http://ftp.tsukuba.wide.ad.jp/Linux/centos/6.5/os/x86_64/ http://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/centos/6.5/os/x86_64/ http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/Linux/CentOS/6.5/os/x86_64/
## "updates" repository $ curl "http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=6.5&arch=x86_64&repo=updates" http://mirrors.hust.edu.cn/centos/6.5/updates/x86_64/ http://mirrors.yun-idc.com/centos/6.5/updates/x86_64/ http://centos.mirror.cdnetworks.com/6.5/updates/x86_64/ http://ftp.yzu.edu.tw/Linux/CentOS/6.5/updates/x86_64/ http://ftp.isu.edu.tw/pub/Linux/CentOS/6.5/updates/x86_64/ http://mirror.awanti.com/centos/6.5/updates/x86_64/
These results are same when we using "cc=jp" and "ip=(various IP address that is recognized as Japanese by GeoIP)" options. Additionally, the mirrorlist returns correct list when we throw a request via IPv6.
I think the mirrorlist has wrong list of "update" repo for Japan. Are there any things that I've missed?
I verify that this is an issue, we will look to see if we can figure out why.
All the other repos are working correctly (os, extras, centosplus etc.)