On Fri, 2007-06-29 at 22:45 +0300, jarmo wrote:
Just wondering, if there is Audacity package which runs in centos 5 somewhere? Have googled, but not found any. Any help?
I quickly needed it just after centos 5 was released and no well known repositories had it at this time ... So i rebuilt it for my personal use and decided to share it (in a little home-made yum repository) with some friends who needed as well. Here it is : http://rpms.arrfab.net/centos/5/repodata/repoview/audacity-0-1.3.2-9.html I've compiled it for i386 only ... if you need the x86_64 , rebuild the srpm from FC6 but don't forget to replace Buildrequire wxGTK2-devel by wxGTK-devel in the spec file ...