Le 11/07/2011 14:33, Always Learning a écrit :
On Mon, 2011-07-11 at 16:59 +0430, hadi motamedi wrote:
On 7/11/11, Anthony Newmancentos@antiphase.net wrote:
You mistyped 'yum install octave'
Thank you for your reply. But I got its *.tar.gz package and tried from it. Do you mean '#yum install octave' is all sufficient to install it? Please confirm.
No # prefix.
Just type:
yum install octave
Did you verify ? I just did a 'yum info octave' on one of my CentOS 5.6 machine, and there it is what I get : Name : octave Arch : x86_64 Epoch : 6 Version : 3.0.5 Release : 1.el5 Size : 12 M Repo : epel Summary : A high-level language for numerical computations
So, octave is not available from base repo, but only through an additional repository, EPEL in this case.
As said by John Doe, for hadi, if installing from source and getting thesse make errors, you have to verify if there is any correct Makefile inside the directory from where you type 'make'.