On 14 January 2014 20:41, Les Mikesell lesmikesell@gmail.com wrote:
Is there anything to simplify the process of duplicating the set of installed packages when you didn't pay that much attention the first time around? It seems like taking the list from 'rpm -qa' on a running machine and feeding it to 'yum install ....' on a new minimal install should get pretty close, but then you need to find all of your locally modified config files. Most of that should be under /etc/sysconfig for an easy diff, but not everything.
Well one bit is /root/anaconda-ks.cfg to see what the kickstart to duplicate the install of the system would look like ...
As for config files well behaved RPMs should mark their config files in the manifest so a rpm -Va and parsing the output to look for config files changed from install should help ...
In addition you could do something like find /etc -type f -exec rpm -qf {} ; | grep -i 'not owned by' to find any config files in /etc that are properly marked in the spec files for a package...
There are probably a few special cases like postgresql having the postgres,conf file in the data directory for the service but you should be able to catch most config files to back up by combining the two tricks...