Am 12.08.2016 um 22:38 schrieb Jon LaBadie:
A friend runs 6.8 but would like to add postscreen to his email server. It is provided with postfix version 2.8 and up. The newest postfix for 6.8 is 2.6.x. Any likelyhood it will be further updated? Or is there another source for newer postfix versions for CentOS 6.8?
Similar query for the clamav db, now at 0.99.1 with 0.99.2 out for quite some time.
Hi Jon,
as Ned has already explained the version of Postfix on CentOS 6 will most certainly stay what it is. If you want to use a more current release then consider switching to Potfix 3.1 provided by the ghettoforge repository. Peter who is maintaining that package is very active to follow new upstream releases.
clamav 0.99.2 is available by EPEL. It just hasn't hit the regular repository while staying in the testing repo. I am using it from testing since roughly 1 month. Maybe it needs more karma to get pushed into stable. You have to bark at the EPEL tree, not CentOS.