At Sun, 18 Oct 2009 18:15:06 -0400 CentOS mailing list wrote:
On 10/18/2009 11:13 AM Alan McKay wrote:
how would I go about that? The thing is: I'd like to know an orthodox way to go about this.
crontab -e
and then just put in your entry
- 7 * * * /your/command
I think you meant:
0 7 * * * /your/command
The asterisk will make the command run every minute during the seven o'clock hour. The OP wanted his script to run at 7:00
No. The first field is the minutes (0), the second field is hours (7), then comes 'day of month' (*), month (*), 'day of week' (*). The script will run at 7:00AM, every day of every month on every day of the week (well the last is redundent...).
man 5 crontab
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