I haven't evaluated centos 5 beta yet, so I don't know what its kernel supports. 'The' linux kernel supports resizing (grow only) of softraid 5 arrays. Combine that with LVM2, which supports hot-growth and a file-system that supports some sort of growth (I'm using xfs), and you have a very flexible and expandable configuration.
I'm not so sure you "need" to resize a raid 5 array with lvm, but it makes expanding the storage cheaper. Without resize, to expand you need to buy enough drives to form a new array, define it as a PV and extend one or more VGs to it. With hot grow, you just add one (or more) drives, resize the array and expand the underlying PV (and VGs)..
Maybe someone else has a simpler method? This looks like a lot when you write it out, but its just two or three commands and a lot of patience.
On 4/1/07, Cen Tos centos.admin@gmail.com wrote:
I've been reading the RHEL 5 manual/guide linked from centos, and the idea of LVM with expandable partitions seems like a great idea (yes duh why else would it exist if not?). Although the documentation shows a screenshot of how the final setup would look like with LVM & RAID together, it doesn't actually gives the step.
- Am I correct in thinking it should be done in this way
- setup Softraid
- setup LVM on the raid partitions
Secondly, LVM allows expansion of the LVM group when we add a new drive. But with softraid, how will this happen? Searching around does not turn up any guide on this. Am I correct in thinking I must always add new drives in pairs (for Raid 1), create a new softraid partition then assign this new partition to the LVM group?
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