On Wed, Dec 09, 2020 at 04:03:42PM +0000, Laack, Andrea P wrote:
The companies that pay for RHEL licenses for production and use CentOS for test will be left with a large problem. They will either need to purchase double the number of RHEL licenses and switch to RHEL for testing or go to another distribution. RHEL + 1 will not work for testing application compatibility with patches.
In the cases where RHEL + 0.1 (note not +1) won't work, I think it's incredibly likely that this will be covered by the expanded low- and no-cost RHEL offerings.
Part of the buried lede here is that with more RHEL accessibility, a lot of the function that CentOS served for users will not be necessary anymore.
No company will want to pay double the amount they are currently paying for RHEL licenses. This is not even addressing the cost and time it will take to switch over all the test servers.
Yeah, Red Hat knows this. Hence the above. If you have a specific case, please email the centos-questions@redhat.com address -- that goes to the people designing the new programs, not to sales.