Todd Cary said the following on 05/10/12 19:45:
However, I am not sure what you mean by
and then install the php53 packages you previously had
if the output of rpm -q --all | grep php is (for instance)
php php-cli php-gd php-mysql
you should yum install this packages:
php53 php53-cli php53-gd php53-mysql
Another question has to do with the GD library. How can I tell if it is installed *or* is it automatically part of php35?
I can answer your question: it is not included in php53 package; you have to install php53-gd
Oh yes...if there is a problem with php35, are there any problems in reinstalling php 5.1?
If everithing fails, just remove the php53 packages, yum install the php packages you removed and restore /etc/php.ini
Ciao, luigi
- -- / +--[Luigi Rosa]-- \
Statistics are used as a drunken man uses lamp posts: For support rather than illumination.