Craig White <craigwhite@...> writes:
Should be simple and perhaps I'm tired but it's not coming to me.
In its simplest form...
for old in `cat "$FILENAME"`;do echo "$old" dirname "$old" new="$(echo $old | sed 's/*/-/')" done
I'm trying to take out some stupid Macintosh things - in this case filenames with asterisks but I have others like tilde's and probably others that I haven't come across.
Anyway, $FILENAME has...
/tmp/New Woman In Field/*NEW woman in field.psd /tmp/New Woman In Field/*NEW woman in field 2.eps /tmp/New Woman In Field/*NEW woman in field 2.psd
and the echoes are broken with spaces like this (which of course doesn't work)...
/tmp/New /tmp /tmp/New Woman . Woman In . In Field/*NEW Field Field/-NEW woman . woman in . in field.psd
I'm more of a c-shell guy but a "for loop" uses white space (either newline or space) as the delimiter. One of the other responses suggested an alternative loop construct. Alternatively, the find command with the appropriate commands in either a script file or just following a -exec. Something like:
find . -type f -exec `new = `echo {} | tr [bad chars] [replace]`; mv {} $new; echo "old: {} new: $new" ;
The above needs lots of work but this way you don't have to visit each directory.
Cheers, Dave
Cheers, Dave