On 09/30/2014 07:10 AM, Leon Fauster wrote:
Am 30.09.2014 um 12:27 schrieb Johnny Hughes johnny@centos.org:
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2014:1326 Moderate
Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2014-1326.html
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename )
Just curious - are the SCL advisories also communicated via this channel? (linked to https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/rhel-6-rhscl-1-errata.html)
Just wondering that upstream did not provide an update for php54 ...
-- LF
Yes ... but sometimes the 'other channels' are updated later. (Ie, the main os is done first, the the secondary channels or the EUS/AUS, ELS channels.
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