On Tue, 13 Nov 2012, Johan Vermeulen wrote:
Hello All, Hello Keith,
thanks a million for the responses, I'm already happy to understand where the EM are coming from.
The config.php are in each database;
/[root@caw-server2 db]# ls reg_begeleidingsteam reg_jww_archief reg_personeel reg_straathoekwerk reg_bib reg_jww_dossiers reg_resident reg_vrijwilligers reg_drughulp reg_jww_dvd reg_signaleren reg_jac_activiteit reg_onthaal reg_sollicitatie/
so for instance reg_bib ( witch has a library ) has config.php :
/[root@caw-server2 reg_bib]# ls background_logo.jpg config.php database.php index.php background_stripe.png cron.php favicon.ico/
Following your advise, I changed the include enty to :
include "/var/www/html/nubuilder/db/reg_bib/config.php";
this seems to work without EM, I'm now checking if this indeed truncated the files.
That's another way to do it - because that should overide the setting in the php.ini file.
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