On Tue, 26 Jul 2011, Fajar Priyanto wrote:
Hi all, Can pls share your experience on this?
Currently I have this network: are DHCP managed are statically assigned
If I need to expand it to:
- What is the best way to do it with minimal network disruption?
- If I keep some machine with 22 subnet mask, will it still be able
to talk to the other machines in it's range?
Seeing as noone else has posted anything, you can have my thoughts.
I think the answer to this part is not trivially. A machine in the /20 subnet will expect to be able to talk directly to a machine within the /22, but that machine will want to talk via a router. You can hide subnets within subnets using arp-proxying, but I'm not sure there's an easier way.
A machine within the /22 would be able to talk to any other machine within that /22 (even if they're configured to use /20), but won't be able to happily talk to machines within the /20 but outside of the /22.