On Fri, 2007-03-30 at 10:12 -0400, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
John Moylan wrote:
Tovid can create and burn vcd's dvd's etc.
And where do I find that as an rpm for Centos?
Google (without the quotes :-)
'tovid el4 src.rpm' http://alcancelibre.infosantiago.net/al-desktop/el4/SRPMS.al/tovid-0.30-1.9....
Or alternately
'tovid fc6 src.rpm' http://www.bennewitz.com/rpms/fedora/fc6/SRPMS/tovid-0.30-1.fc6.src.rpm
Can't vouch for the sources, but I'd start with http://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/YumAndRPM "Get set up for rebuilding packages while not being root"
The el4 package built for me in >20 seconds on CentOS4, after satisfying the missing build dependency on txt2tags from the RPMforge repo.