On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 02:15:21PM +0000, James Pearson wrote:
fred smith wrote:
Has anyone managed to get FF 18.0 to work on Centos 5.8?
I've been hacking at it, placing a stack of .so files (from Centos 6) into a private directory, then using LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point the system to (in a shellscript that subsequently invokes ff 18) but so far I've not managed to find the right combination. I've moved over libstdc++, all or nearly all the .so files from glib2 and glibc packages. now I"m getting:
./firefox: symbol lookup error: ./libstdc++.so.6: undefined symbol: _ZNSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE2idE, version GLIBCXX_3.4
and dunno either what I've done wrong, or what other things need to be brought over.
Clues appreciated. :)
In case anyone is interested, I managed to rebuild firefox 18.0.1 on CentOS 5 (i686) without too many problems
It appears to run fine on CentOS 5
If anyone wants to know the details, then let me know
I've been thinking of trying to build it here, but haven't had time and energy, both at the same time, to try it. I have built firefox before, but not for several years, so it's probably changed since then.
But, yes, I'd like to see the gory details.