On Tue, 2008-12-09 at 15:55 -0500, Bo Lynch wrote:
On Tue, December 9, 2008 3:49 pm, William L. Maltby wrote:
On Tue, 2008-12-09 at 15:01 -0500, Bo Lynch wrote:
I'm having an issue with workstation opening pdf's with firefox. I have the adobe plugin installed and enabled in firefox but firefox will only let me save the file. Under applications I have tried using the doc reader and adobe to associate pdf's with firefox with no luck. I am running firefox 3.0.4. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
I've just been mucking about with this stuff. If you'll provide more information, <snip>
rpm -q firefox firefox-3.0.4-1.el5.centos
We match there
[root@localhost ~]# acroread -v 8.1.3
We match there too. How about this.
The output of pluginreg.dat. This file was located in ~/.mozilla/firefox/ssehte9e.default Is this normal?
Yes. Sometimes there's more than one.
Generated File. Do not edit.
[HEADER] Version:0.09:$
[PLUGINS] /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/npwrapper.so:$ :$ 1216305953000:1:1:$ <a href="http://gwenole.beauchesne.info/projects/nspluginwrapper/">nspluginwrapper</a> is a cross-platform NPAPI plugin viewer, in particular for linux/i386 plugins.<br>This is <b>beta</b> software available under the terms of the GNU General Public License.<br>:$ NPAPI Plugins Wrapper$ 1 0:unknown/mime-type:Do not open:none:$ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins-wrapped/nswrapper_32_32.libflashplayer.so:$ :$ 1226956491000:1:1:$ Shockwave Flash 10.0 r12:$ Shockwave Flash:$ 2 0:application/x-shockwave-flash:Shockwave Flash:swf:$ 1:application/futuresplash:FutureSplash Player:spl:$ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins-wrapped/nswrapper_32_32.nppdf.so:$ :$ 1227025018000:1:1:$ The Adobe Reader plugin is used to enable viewing of PDF and FDF files from within the browser.:$ Adobe Reader 8.0:$ 5 0:application/pdf:Portable Document Format:pdf:$ 1:application/vnd.fdf:Acrobat Forms Data Format:fdf:$ 2:application/vnd.adobe.xfdf:XML Version of Acrobat Forms Data Format:xfdf:$ 3:application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml:Acrobat XML Data Package:xdp:$ 4:application/vnd.adobe.xfd+xml:Adobe FormFlow99 Data File:xfd:$
The substantive parts (pdf related) seem to match. Makes me wonder about your settings.
Did you get into FF and go to Tools->add-ons->plugins? Does stuff look normal there? Specifically, is "Adobe Reader 8.0" enabled? I've made a snapshot I can mail you off-list. It's about 44K, which would make this mail near the 50KB list limit.
Have you, in FF, gone to Edit->Preferences->Main and looked at the "Downloads" section? Mine has "Show the downloads window..." checked and "Save files to" set to "Desktop".
With all this, when I click on a PDF, all works as expected. Can you provide the link you're having problems with? Most of my downloads are at a site that starts the process with a jave application, so I don't often just click a regular PDF url.
When the download window opens, I get to choose actions. When I've opened the PDF, I can then save it anyplace I like.
Thanks for any help. Bo Lynch
<snip sig stuff>
I've not been much help yet.
How about the folloing stuff? Look similar?
$ ls /usr/lib/mozilla/plug* /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins: libflashplayer.so mplayerplug-in-qt.xpt mplayerplug-in-wmp.xpt libjavaplugin_oji.so mplayerplug-in-rm.so mplayerplug-in.xpt mplayerplug-in-dvx.so mplayerplug-in-rm.xpt nphelix.so mplayerplug-in-dvx.xpt mplayerplug-in.so nphelix.xpt mplayerplug-in-qt.so mplayerplug-in-wmp.so nppdf.so
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins-wrapped: mplayerplug-in-dvx.xpt nswrapper_32_32.mplayerplug-in-dvx.so mplayerplug-in-qt.xpt nswrapper_32_32.mplayerplug-in-qt.so mplayerplug-in-rm.xpt nswrapper_32_32.mplayerplug-in-rm.so mplayerplug-in-wmp.xpt nswrapper_32_32.mplayerplug-in.so mplayerplug-in.xpt nswrapper_32_32.mplayerplug-in-wmp.so nphelix.xpt nswrapper_32_32.nphelix.so npwrapper.so nswrapper_32_32.nppdf.so nswrapper_32_32.libflashplayer.so