Chris Mason (Lists) wrote:
Matt Hyclak wrote:
On Sat, Feb 25, 2006 at 11:54:26AM -0400, Chris Mason (Lists) enlightened us:
Where could I get a source rpm for this kernel version?
CentOS 4 will always have a 2.6.9 kernel, so you'll have to go looking elsewhere. Fedora might be an option.
I got the 2.6.11-FC3 kernel, will see if I can build it.
If you're going to "break" things... 8-) You might want to just head over to and get virgin source and do things the old fashioned way. Personally, Johnny and the others have made the yum packaging so convenient that I haven't had to do this in quite some time. Is there some particular reason why you need a bleeding edge kernel or did you just want to try it out for shizzles and giggles?