On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 2:07 PM, Miguel Medalha miguelmedalha@sapo.pt wrote:
US Robotics produces a USB modem that they present as compatible with Linux. It even has a sticker on the box stating that. The product's page is here: http://www.usr.com/products/modem/modem-product.asp?type=features&sku=US...
Linux Format magazine has a review of this modem on their Christmas edition. They gave it a high note. Some reviews can be read online: http://www.usr.com/products/modem/modem-product.asp?type=media&sku=USR56...
That's a slow V.92 modem. The HSDPA modems will go up to 7.2 Mbps. Broadband and Wireless. :-)