On Mar 23, 2006, at 8:57 AM, Wayne wrote:
My problem is there is no redundancy. If webserver 1 goes down then clients A,B,C have no services. I need to add in redundancy. I can't at the moment afford a 4th server. So I need to make do with whats currently there.
you might want to think about run a Red Hat Cluster Suite cluster, since it's been ported to CentOS. read the readme here:
be aware that while i believe that this system would satisfy your needs (based on the information you've provided), setting up CS/GFS is a nontrivial task. read all the docs and be sure you understand what you're doing; if not, ask.
important considerations: 1) you *need* shared storage. use a fibre channel or iSCSI SAN, or use an external disk chassis with a scsi controller for each host. 2) you *need* some automatic means of fencing (i.e. power-cycling) the hosts in the cluster. a network-controlled power switch will do this well; if you don't want to buy one, some servers have remote management ports that will permit fencing.
--- If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction. - Fabian, Twelfth Night, III,v