On Wed, 2005-31-08 at 16:18 +0100, Karanbir Singh wrote:
yes :) I have!
Well, you I knew about. :)
whats in /etc/rpm/platform ?
and you might want to work with --define "_host foo"
I just gave that a go, but unfortunately the error remains.
Have you ever managed to build anything on this machine ? ( try something smaller like time-*.src.rpm )
This is the first time I've tried to build something on this box. It's a dual AMD Opteron box, and all the dependencies required to build Bacula are installed.
Mesa puzzled.
Spec builds fine for me. install the src.rpm and take a look, its quite a well defined spec[1] file.
Yeah, I noticed that after reviewing your build log.
I've reviewed the spec, and it is very well defined. However, I haven't been able to track the problem down.
Any other tips/suggestions would be very much appreciated.
- KB
[1] make sure you look at the changelog and see my first note in there - you might want to override those settings