On 05/12/13 18:19, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
Actually, Manitu, also known as NIXSpam, is quite a good list. I've been using only this one and Spamhaus for years. Very good FP:Spam ratio.
I, too, had an issue with the list lately and contacted the maintainer of the project who gave me a good explanation of why Facebook servers may be listed on it (they don't stop sending to discontinued users that have been bouncing for at least half a year).
If the mailserver of your provider sends spam it's absolutely fine to put it on the list. Or, in other words, that's what the list is for in the first place. If Hostmonster feels that there is only few spam running over their servers and they cannot get this down to zero (which is reasonable) then they can contact them and ask to be put on the whitelist.
I don't know what you mean by "My hosting provider works with those jerks at manitu". Does your hosting provider use them to block you? Or does he work with them to resolve the issue?
I don't see the relevance. You should provide the URL, so one could actually check the headers of the mail (it doesn't list the content) and decide if it could have been spam. If it indeed was spam (either by content or by definition) I don't see what's wrong with putting it on the list according to list policy. selfip.biz is actually a domain they use for their spamtraps. So, this mail was sent to a spamtrap. One could argue whether a mailserver should send to hostname.selfip.biz at all as it may be not be a real mailserver (but you don't know). But that's a different story.
Most of the time RBLs are fine as long as people don't get on them themselves :-)
The problem here is that Mark is using a shared hostmonster smtp server to relay outbound mail, and from time to time they relay spam and get blacklisted for it. We've experienced a similar thing from time to time where we have a server hosted with hostmonster that sends out notification emails which are relayed via shared hostmonster mail servers, and occasionally we get bounce notifications where hostmonster's outbound relays are blacklisted (I have mostly noticed them being blacklisted by SpamCop).
If it's important I'd suggest not using shared resources for your outbound mail. If you use a dedicated server (with it's own IP) for outbound mail you will know it's clean and hopefully not get blacklisted. You get what you pay for.
Simple fact in the second decade of the 21st century is "their server, their rules". If someone wants to block you they can and they will. If your outbound server is spamming me I'd block you too. I don't care how many other people might be using it. It's not difficult to prevent outgoing spam, be responsible or be blocked. My server, my rules.
As you've found out, twice now, it's highly effective and gets people's attention. As it's got your attention twice now, I'd suggest you either get used to it or move your outbound mail to a clean host. It's been going on long enough now that it's pretty obvious hostmonster don't care (if it's on my radar, it must have caught their attention - after all, it's their servers). They are happy to keep taking your money.