On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 6:44 PM, zep zgreenfelder@gmail.com wrote:
are you sure that DNS is working correctly on the VM? e.g. what's in etc/resolv.conf? are you using NAT or a bridged network device? is there anything weird in the output of netstat -nr? are you using anything to proxy traffic? is there anything in iptables that could be blocking traffic?
Mystery resolved. The CAT5 cable from router to the switch hub was flaky. After I've replaced it with another one all the illogical puzzling behavior went away. What I do not understand is why, for example, some sites like, www.google.com and www.gmail.com worked flawlessly all the time. At same time some sites (like www.delo.si) worked and some others did not (like www.dnevnik.si)