On Wed, Oct 06, 2010 at 10:24:44AM +0200, Mathieu Baudier wrote:
Now, I have a few servers in our local office and I would like them to authenticate from the remote LDAP server using encryption via ldaps://. (at this stage, without using client-side certificate)
I have run a similar command as I did on the remote servers, replacing ldap://localldapserver by ldaps://ldap.mycompany.com: authconfig --enableldap --enableldapauth --enablecache --enablemkhomedir --ldapserver=ldaps://ldap.mycompany.com --enableldaptls --ldapbasedn=dc=mycompany,dc=com --passalgo=sha256 --updateall
Did you, on the server, change the new, undocumented, /etc/sysconfig/ldap file's entry for SLAPD_LDAPS and restart the ldap service on the server?
(It's documented in the CentOS wiki's FAQ, however, apparently no one at RH figured it merited mention.)