On Fri, 2008-03-14 at 07:41 +0100, Mogens Kjaer wrote:
William L. Maltby wrote: ...
I use Adobe's acroread. Works very well. But don't get the 8.* series - it's broken in printer interface and is a little bloated do to a not yet really useful voice reader capability.
Broken? How?
I've printed many pages from acroread 8.x
When it first came out with 8.1, it would not print. I use CUPS. Version 7 worked fine for a long time. I tried modifying the print command in various ways and never got it working. I googled and saw several complaints about the same problem. Tried the (very) few solutions suggested. None worked. I can't recall seeing any responses from the posts that indicated anyone else got it working either. Again, that was when it first came out.
I don't remember the details of the failure now. IIRC, it was failing to connect the output from the PDF to the input for the printer, I *think*. I tend to get disgusted when things like that happen - a new version that has a failure in such a basic function that has been well defined and working across many platforms and software packages for years being broken when an "improved" is released indicates a QC problem in my view.
I uninstalled it, reinstalled 7, changed nothing else and print worked again.
When 8.2 was released, I pulled it down and looked at the change log. No mention of a fix. So I didn't even try it. Why waste my time when 7 works just great and does everything I need?
Anyway, it may be working now. I wouldn't know, based on my experience and the change log.