On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 02:48:41PM +0800, Feizhou wrote:
Ooh, I am so worried.
You might not be about this particular problem, but it *should* make you worried about the state of qmail in general -- unmaintained by the one person who can do anything about it, and legally unmaintainable by anyone else.
idiot postfix poster. There was hardly anything nervous on the list.
Well, depends if you call ad hominem attacks and a quick "discount-first, think-later" response as nervous. I might.
Quite a few qmail old hands such as Russel Nelson (maintainer of www.qmail.org) wanted DJB to update his installation instructions so that inetd is no longer mentioned.
This is *exactly* the point -- except it applies to the whole project, not just the documentation.