Hi all,
The CentOS community is pretty limited in what we can do to the core distribution. Since our mantra is "aiming to be 100% compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux" we cannot fix bugs or improve the CentOS core without waiting for Red Hat to make those modifications first. We have limited leverage and a 6-month release cycle against us.
But that is not the complete truth, Red Hat usually has an internal, a vendor and a public beta period and everything that is found within that time-frame might get fixed before it is being shipped (and frozen) for the next 6 months.
Today RHEL 5.3 Beta was announced with a lot of interesting improvements.
So if we can improve the testing during the RHEL Beta program, everyone in the CentOS community directly benefits from that as well. Therefor it makes a lot of sense to encourage the large CentOS community to take part in the RHEL Beta program and help with improving the next CentOS releases. (You don't need my back patting, start already !)
If you are looking for the RHEL 5.3 Beta ISO images, go to Red Hat Network, log in, click on Download Software, expand the RHEL5 channel for your architecture and go to the Beta channel. There you can find the RHEL 5.3 Beta ISO images for your architecture.
https://rhn.redhat.com/rhn/software/channel/downloads/Download.do?cid=6002 https://rhn.redhat.com/rhn/software/channel/downloads/Download.do?cid=6007
And please, if you find anything that is worth to fix, report your findings to Red Hat's bugzilla.
Thanks in advance,