Hi all,
I'm trying to do a setup (Centos 4.4), with ssh keys. Ideal is that remote you can enter a limited set of commands with no password "or" you can ssh in with password and get a normal bash prompt.
At the moment I have from="::ffff:x.x.x.x",command="/usr/local/bin/allowedcommands.sh" ssh-rsa <restofkey> (allowed commands I do checks for which ones are allowed and will add anything dodgy to check for) in authorized_keys2.
This all works with the keys I have, I can do an ssh <server> ls for example (ls being allowed), which works, otherwise it returns nothing if not allowed command is given.
Main problem I have is if you enter no command (simply ssh <server>) it also kicks you out, I'd like it to ask for a password if no command is given, and then if correct pass you onto a normal shell.
Is such a thing possible, or other avenues to get to the same point ?
Thanks in advance,