On Thu, 2007-08-23 at 13:03 -0500, Les Mikesell wrote:
Kai Schaetzl wrote:
Scott Moseman wrote on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 09:08:59 -0500:
I finally took the time to install and configure FreeNX.
I tried as well, but it fails for me. There's no service for it and no process with nx in the name running after I install nx and freenx. How am I supposed to know that the server is installed and working?
What is supposed to happen is that the client makes a passwordless ssh connection as user nx with the key from /etc/nxserver/client.id_dsa.key which you have to copy out and configure manually in the client. That connection is used to start the processes you need and pass the real login and password over the already-encrypted connection.
Was the following page not useful enough ? : http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/FreeNX