Again, I *HATE* dnsorbs.... This was bounced, which makes twice today. <snip> more text, add a few more words, we'll see if this makes it.
John R Pierce wrote:
On 01/09/12 12:05 PM, wrote:
John R Pierce wrote:
On 01/09/12 11:11 AM, wrote:
They are? I dunno - ours are labelled where they're intended to
be mounted, like / or /boot
don't plug one of those into a different system for repair or
you'll have all kinda grief. $HOSTNAME_root would be the sane way to do
I'm trying to figure out why I'd plug one into a different system for
repair. Either the drive's bad, or I'm re-embodying a server that died, but left good drives. If it's going bad, the*only* thing I'm going to do is plug it into a hot-swap bay (just about all of ours have those, love them) to recover some data, then wipe it.
exactly. and if you put that drive in a hotswap bay of another system that is using the same label, thats a potential for a big mess. same
<snip> Why? If I shove it into another system, I'm *not* rebooting using it, just putting it into a spare bay; then I'll mount /dev/sd<whatever> /mnt.
No problem.
But this thread's gotten way OT: *does* anyone have any idea what the .img file is that the running o/s from install.img is looking for, after the partitioning, when it's ready to install?