On 01/14/2012 08:08 PM, Yves Bellefeuille wrote:
On Saturday 14 January 2012, Ljubomir Ljubojevicoffice@plnet.rs wrote:
My own rpm, static in rpm, with avatars added: http://rpms.plnet.rs/plnet-centos5-i386/RPMS.plnet/skype- l5.noarch.rpm
Is this the kind of package that's appropriate for the CentOS contrib repository?
I have posted numerous times all over the internet about packages I compiled from CentOS (5 and 6). I have not received any communication from anyone interested in using them in other repositories.
Fell free to use/submit rpm's and src.rpms I packaged in any repository. I do not have much free time, so I am not interested in maintaining newer versions of those packages, especially 5.x packages since (almost) all are latest versions able to build on CentOS 5.x