While you may have them disabled _now_ at some point they were enabled and so a conflicting package was installed and is now causing the issue.
----- On 26 Sep, 2017, at 05:23, Gary Stainburn gary@ringways.co.uk wrote:
| On Tuesday 26 September 2017 11:56:06 Joseph L. Casale wrote: |> The error is actually pretty straight forward. You are using a repo |> (atrpms) that has not been updated in years, it's not surprise that it |> finally has lost compatibility with the platform. |> |> Find a modern and up to date replacement for any packages you reference |> from atrpms and without the switches. | | When looking at your suggestions I found that the atrpms were actually | disabled (enabled=0) | | I have enabled them and now it appears to be working. Although the opposite | of your suggestion, thanks for the fix. | | I will remember for future installs to not use the atrpms. | | Gary | _______________________________________________ | CentOS mailing list | CentOS@centos.org | https://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos