On 06/23/2013 04:59 AM, Kapetanakis Giannis wrote:
On 08/06/13 06:27, Johnny Hughes wrote:
We can not distribute the pepperflash or libpdf viewer from Google Chrome due to licensing restrictions, but you can download these two scripts from the github repo and run them either as root or as a user with sudo access to install those two libraries:
chrome_pepperflash_copy.sh: https://raw.github.com/hughesjr/chromium_el_builder/master/chrome_pepperflas...
Lets get this tested and vetted and we can maybe move it to CentOS
Extras when Chome is upgraded to the 28 version in production.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes
Hi, Just for the record. The script in
downloads the latest stable of google-chrome which is 28.0.1500.52-207119 atm. The libpdf.so which is included is not working (at least on i386).
# ldd libpdf.so ./libpdf.so: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by ./libpdf.so)
When you try to open pdf file you get "Could not load Chrome PDF Viewer"
The libpdf.so version from the following works: google-chrome-stable-27.0.1453.110-202711.i386
I've managed to download it from http://orion.lcg.ufrj.br/RPMS/myrpms/google/
Correct ... the issue is that the new libpdf.so requires the same (newer) glibc as the chrome version ... and therefore it will not work. You can use the standard Adobe Acrobat plugin for viewing PDFs.