Milos Blazevic wrote:
Hello David,
In brief, I've solved this problem on my Dell Inspiron 1525 (with Broadcom 4312 wireless card), so I figured letting You know would be nice, 'cause it didn't seem like the issue is resolved.
Visit this link:
and in addition check out the comment on the same page by Andre Kiepe to have the modules load on boot.
Best Regards, Milos.
I'm not overly familiar with broadcom wireless (always tried to avoid it), but we can probably package wl.ko as a kABI-tracking kmod for el5 over at if you're interested? This would remove the need to recompile the driver from source for every kernel update, not to mention provide a user friendly RPM package for yum.
Also, does this driver require firmware, and if so where does one obtain that?