Rodrigo Barbosa wrote on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 13:45:13 -0300:
That's only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. From that 122 RBLs I mentioned, I actually only use 3 regularly, and another 2 in some specially sensitive servers:
I use two of these as well, and in the same order, but I found too ineffective when I tested several RBLs some years ago. My "second" RBL is
too agressive in my eyes, but certainly effective.
Even my best servers will still show listed on 5 or 6 RBLs. Usually those same 6 above.
That doesn't surprise me, 5 of them are not on DNS and the first domain belongs to a domain grabber it seems. What RBL lookup do you use? It seems to be unreliable. There *are* RBLs which just list *every* IP they don't have business with, but the above don't belong in this category, they are just dead. I recommend using this one: