On Mon, 2007-06-11 at 17:12 -0500, Dale wrote:
Hi Jordi,
Jordi Espasa Clofent wrote:
It seems a joke, but it isn't:
man man(1)
Valid response, and I don't take it as a joke :)
Part of what I am looking for is to learn what commands I should concentrate on :) Once I have those down, using man will be a great resource.
Well I rather like the "Linux Administration Handbook" because I use mostly RH/CentOS/Fedora, but need to deal with SuSE & Debian from time to time and frankly never can some of the specific isms (run levels, locations of some config files, etc) for the other distros and the book covers them all fairly well. http://www.admin.com/Pages/LAH.html
Paul Berger