> I've got a setup where I run nfs over ssh on several distros, and
> it's been working like a charm on suse, mandrake, redhat 7-9 etc,
> but I've been unable to get it to work on CentOS.
> First I set up ssh portforwarding using:
> /usr/bin/ssh root@<remotehost> -L 250:irc.dynip.no:2049 -f sleep 60d &
> Then I mount using the following params in fstab:
> localhost:/somedir      /somedir    nfs     rw,tcp,hard,intr,
> port=250,mountport=251 0 0
> I can telnet to port 250/251 and it answers like expected. I can
> also see the packets travelling through the tunnel using tcpdump.
> However, if I try to mount the dir (mount -a), I get this error:
> mount to NFS server 'localhost' failed: server is down.
> Sniffing on port 22 when running the mount command, nothing happens.
> It kinda seems like it ignores the port/mountport options.

Don't know if anyone's listening, but I'm pretty sure this has to be a bug. I copied mount from a mdk 10.1 installation, which gave me ver. 2.12 instead of of 2.12a which is included in Centos-4, and now I works like a charm.
