No way in 8.2 It's a socket option, managed well in 8.3 and later releases. If you don't hav large amount of very small syncronius writes, you don't need it. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Coert Waagmeester" To: "CentOS mailing list" Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 10:30 AM Subject: Re: [CentOS] DRBD very slow....
On Mon, 2009-07-27 at 10:18 +0400, Roman Savelyev wrote:
Invest in a HW RAID card with NVRAM cache that will negate the need for barrier writes from the OS as the controller will issue them async from cache allowing I/O to continue flowing. This really is the safest method.
It's a better way. But socket oprions in DRBD up to 8.2 (Nagel alghoritm) can decrease performance in large amount of small syncronius writes.
CentOS mailing list
Hello Roman,
I am running drbd 8.2.6 (the standard centos version)
How do I disable that nagle algorithm?
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