Collins Richey wrote:
On 10/29/05, Manny wrote:
-----Original Message----- Collins Richey wrote:
Perhaps someone (or a group of someones) would like to take on organizing such a compendium of instructions on the CentOS Forum and keeping the compendium up to date? Think how many hours of googling and searching mail archives and copious RTFM could be saved! Instead of firing off a mail to this list, you could first look in a well known place on the Forum and avoid recasting a round object.
<more snips>
Perhaps someone can set up a wiki for this, and all can contribute to it.
You can view the sort of thing I was referring to here.
That looks very nice, and appears to be written for a person with at least *some* experience with Unix/Linux. I didn't have to go very far to see some things that I had questions about myself. I'm certainly game to help out... It would be a great learning experience for anyone who is new to CentOS or Linux in general.