From: Ned Slider To: Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2016 11:46 AM Subject: Re: [CentOS] Getting hibernate to work on a new CentOS 7.2.1115 install
On 12/06/16 16:45, Globe Trotter wrote:
Hi, I am a new CentOS user (quite familiar with Fedora 1-23+) and I decided to try a new install of CentOS on a ASUS R503U.
However, I can not get hibernate to work. I try: systemctl hibenaate and I get: Failed to execute operation: sleep verb not supported Btw, the problem does not go away with super-user.
I was wondering how to get around this issue. I would like the abililty to hibernate and come back in the last state. Thanks!
This error message is generated when the sleep operation is not possible. Do you have sufficient SWAP configured on your system?
___________________ Thanks! The machine in question has 2 GiB of memory. I asked for an automatic partitioning of the disk during installation and the installer chose 3.some GiB. I usually use twice the RAM but I let it go this time since it was what was recommended by the automatic anaconda.
What swap should I go for there? Thanks again!