On 03/11/2013 08:30 AM, Tru Huynh wrote:
On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 01:24:17PM +0000, Giles Coochey wrote:
Yes - I use my own local repo and don't sync the 'os' part - I assumed that was going to be static and only updated with 'updates'
you can't update to 6.4 from 6.3 with only updates, you MUST have 6.4/os and 6.4/update
The os ([base]) part is unchanged during the 6.n lifetime, not during the 6.n -> 6.n+1.
In other words ... we just updated from CentOS-6.3 to CentOS-6.4 ... so the OS directory and the UPDATES directories both changed ... so your assumption is incorrect.
This is because, 6.4/os is not the same as 6.3/os. Remember that the OS directory is what is on the ISOs ... that obviously updates if we move to a newer point release and release new ISOs.
You know what they say about assume :D